pvc fiber reinforced hose extrusion line pvc garden pipe machine 1927102181331435485-blid-1817107072474154803

เปิดวาร์ป น้องออม สาวออฟฟิศกับท่าเต้นสุดโก๊ะน่ารัก จนโด่งดังชั่วข้ามคืนกด(99)ก่อนไปดูเลข


PVC High Pressure Fiber Braiding Hose Extruder Machine / Production LineDescriptionPVC fiber reinforced pipe production line is mainly consists of extruders,spray water tank,traction machine,braiding machine, pedrail hauling machine,double station auto-winder.
Unique in construction,reliable in performance,easy to operation,convenient to maintance and high continous production capacity.
 ApplicationThis line is designed to produce PVC fiber reinforced hose,the wall of which is three layers,outer and inner layer are soft PVC hose,middle layer is Terlene fiber network,which has good chemical and physical property,it is mainly used for the transportation of high pressure or corrosive gas,and is widely used in the machinery,coal mine,chemical,agriculture irrigation,gas and building.
